Thursday, November 6, 2008

Snow Day!

The snow has arrived. Of course, Jack just wants to spend the whole day playing in it!


Jack has been getting time outs in the corner. So, he started stashing toys there! What a smart kid.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Jack had a Halloween full of parties, trick-or-treating, and friends. So much fun!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

September playtime

September playtime. Who knew that vacuums were so fun?

Cabin time

September - relaxing at the cabin!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Jack in the box

Jack got a new toy, and it's his current favorite. He spends quite a bit of time these days hanging out in his box!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

July Cabin Trip

We just got back from a cabin trip with Nana, Popi, Aunt Carey, and Uncle Miles. We had a great time and Jack got just a little dirty! He also popped out his top and bottom right molars (which explains the drool). Just in time for Popi to introduce him to Cheetos. Thanks, Popi.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Helping out

Jack is such a big helper in the kitchen. So nice of him to load the dishwasher for me.

A going concern

Jack is on the move! He definitely prefers walking to crawling these days. He's happy to spend his whole day walking around and exploring.

Gramma and Grampa visit

Gramma and Grampa came to visit Jack (and the rest of us). We went on lots of walks, went to the park, and just had lots of fun!

The mud puddle

We got Jack a pool. As you can see, he found something more fun to play in.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Nanna and Poppi came to visit this week. And, to celebrate, Jack started walking! Pretty exciting. He also sported his sunglasses for a record of 30 second. (Just long enough for a picture with Nanna.)

Monday, June 9, 2008

The games we play

Here are Jack's favorite ways to pass the time. Brushing his hair with things (spatulas, paint brushes, food, etc.). Playing peek-a-boo. He'll duck around corners or under blankets, then peek out (and we have to supply the "Boo!"). Yesterday, he played peek-a-boo with Dudley. Dudley did not seem impressed. This morning, he played by sticking his head inside the washing machine, then peeking in and out.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

First Zoo Trip (5/15/2008)

Jack took his first trip to the zoo! We went with Grandma and Grandpa. Jack was more interested in the trickling water features than he was the animals. But, he did have fun watching the smaller animals, to which he could get closer. We finished up the day with a train ride, and then we all went home to take a nap!

Daddy's helper

We got mulch to put in the yard this weekend. Jack was great and just played happily while Mom and Dad worked. By the second day though, he had learned that mulch is quite delicious. (I think he learned it from watching Dudley.) So, we had to keep closer watch...

He's also become quite the pointer. He's getting better and better at communicating what he wants!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Jack's First Birthday

Jack celebrated his first birthday! Mom and Grandma made him a pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting, and he seemed to like it!